
哲学人物谱 Character

发布日期:2016-10-25 15:55:27 浏览次数:


郝长墀,河南新乡市人,武汉大学哲学学院教授(2007-)、珞珈学者特聘教授(2008-2015)、博士生导师(2004-)。学术兼职包括《哲学评论》主编、Frontiers of Philosophy in China编委,武汉大学克雷茨曼道德与信念研究所所长等。

    在武汉大学哲学系获得学士学位后,到中国中医研究院针灸骨伤学院(后合并到北京中医药大学)教书,1995年获得美国Fordham University哲学系全额奖学金资助,攻读硕士、博士学位。20069月至20076月在Harvard-Yenching Institute作访问学者,2006年11月-12月访问哈佛大学的The Center for the Study of World Religions,20077月至20085月在Baylor University哲学系做博士后研究,期间还给Baylor学生讲授中国先秦哲学,200610月在Western Kentucky University讲学,20083月在West Chester University of Pennsylvania讲学。 


他曾为American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Frontiers of Philosophy in China等英文哲学期刊做匿名评审。

       (1)Frontiers of Philosophy in China第8期第4卷上是这么评论郝长墀《政治与人》的: "With creative viewpoints and concrete analysis, this book provides an excellent example of 'bold hypothesis and cautious verification' and it will serve as a leading book, both in Chinese political philosophy in particular and in Chinese philosophy in general"(FPC,2013,p.692)。

   (2) 国际哲学学术刊物Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy也对《政治与人》发表了评论文章:Hao's first claim that there are three different kinds of political theories in the pre-Qin period seems bold. However,he provides a detailed illustration with abundant textual evidence";(Dao,2013,p408)。


   (4)美国University of Pennsylvania著名汉学家Paul R. Golden "在Why Mo-zi is included in the Daoist Cannon, Or, why there is more to Mohism than utilitarian ethics“一文中注意到郝长墀等关于墨子是非功利主义者的主张 (见How should we live? Comparing ethics in ancient China and Greco-Roman Antiquity, ed. R. King, Dennis Schilling, De Gruyter Vertag, Berlin, 2011)

   (5)西班牙学者Daniel Carreiro在他的文章 "The Dao Against the Tyrant: The Limitation of Power in the Political Thought of Anciant China" 中引用了郝长墀关于墨子是非功利主义的观点(Daniel Carreiro, 2013, Libertarian Papers, 5 (1): 111-152))。

   (6)美国学者Daniel Johnson在Philosophy East and West 发表的文章参考郝长墀关于墨子是非功利主义的观点( Daniel M. Johnson,“Mozi's Moral Theor: Breaking the Hermeneutical Stalemate,” Philosophy East and West, Vol. 61, No. 2, 2011)。

   (7)旅美学者Lian Xinda在Dao: A Comparative Philosophy刊物发表的文章"Zhuang_zi the Poet: Re-Reading the Peng Bird Image"(Dao, 2009, Vol. 8, Issue 3)引用郝长墀的"Relativity of the Human World and Dao in Lao-Zhuang"。

   (8)加拿大渥太华大学视觉艺术系教授Celina Jeffery在"I am Not Here: Identifying Contemplation in the Cool Spaces of Contemprary Art" (Drain Magazine: A Journal of Art and Culture Vol. 6, No. 1,2009)引用郝长墀Wu-Wei and the Decentering of the Subject in Lao-Zhuang".


    (10) 菲律宾学者Ranie B. Vallaver在 "Wu_wei in the Thoughts of Zhuang-zi” (Kinaadman: An Interdisplineary Research Journal, Vol. 18, No.2, 2007)中引用郝长墀的 Wu-wei and the Decentering of the Subject in Lao-Zhuang一文。

    (11) Dao House...Political Dao网站对于郝长墀的博士论文做了简单介绍和摘要

    (12) 台湾政治大学詹康教授在《争论中的庄子主体论》(学生书局,2014)中引用Wu-weiand the decentering of the subject in Lao-zhuang", 24,142,148,190.

    (13) 美国学者Koji Fuse在 Ancient Chinese Philosophy in the Age of Social Media (From Twitter to Tahrir Square: Ethics in Social and New Media Communication, edited by Bala Musa and J. Willis, ABC-Clio, LLC,2014,p. 179,fn.42)中引用郝长墀关于墨子与Levinas的关系的观点)

    (14) 加拿大渥太华大学视觉艺术系教授Celina Jeffery 在"To see the world in a grain of sand:Wofgang Laib and the aesthetics of interpenetrability" (Religion and the Arts, 2013, Vol. 17, Issues 1-2)引用郝长墀Wu-Wei and the Decentering of the Subject in Lao-Zhuang".